Ep. 45 - Creating a Brighter Future for Our Children

Today we are discussing creating a brighter future for our children. Whether you have children or not, know that the children of the Earth belong to all of us, and they are the future of humanity! Who we are and how we live our lives has a direct impact on our planet, and the development of humanity.

In today’s episode we’re covering:

  • How we show up, who we are, and who we choose to become has a direct impact in the world.

  • It is part of your higher purpose and the greater divine plan for you to transcend programming that no longer suits you.

  • As a being with free will every moment is an opportunity for you to notice yourself and make the choice to release limiting patterns - this will benefit not only yourself, but also the collective, your lineage, and even your ancestors!

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Ep. 46 - A Message From Your Ancestors


Ep. 44 - The power of inner child self-expression