The Divine Connection

with Cristina Aroche 

Ep. 65 - Deepen Your Connection to Your Higher Self
Spiritual Awakening, Soul Expression Cristina Aroche Spiritual Awakening, Soul Expression Cristina Aroche

Ep. 65 - Deepen Your Connection to Your Higher Self

In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses the process of merging with one's higher self. She emphasizes that this is a lifelong journey of embodying our true selves and there is no definitive end. Cristina highlights three main aspects of this journey: healing, deconditioning, and soul expression. She explains that healing involves releasing past traumas and shifting them into divine light and love. Deconditioning refers to recognizing and changing conditioned responses and default patterns. Soul expression is about discovering and bringing forth our unique gifts and contributions. Cristina also discusses the importance of our connection to the divine and viewing challenges as initiations into living as our true selves.

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Ep. 64 - How the Archangels Support our Healing
Angels, Healing Cristina Aroche Angels, Healing Cristina Aroche

Ep. 64 - How the Archangels Support our Healing

In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses how the Archangels support us in healing. She explains that when we ask for their support, they energetically clear out any heavy or stagnant energy and help us release what is ready to be let go of. However, it is our responsibility to integrate this healing by shifting our mindset and behavior. The Archangels also reveal truths about ourselves and our mission, and it is up to us to trust and pursue these truths. Additionally, they mirror certain aspects of ourselves to inspire and activate those qualities within us. Ultimately, the Archangels are here to help us tap into our own power and bring forth our innate abilities.

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Ep. 63 - Unusual Spiritual Collaborations
Spiritual connection Cristina Aroche Spiritual connection Cristina Aroche

Ep. 63 - Unusual Spiritual Collaborations

In this episode, Cristina Aroche explores the concept of spiritual team ups, where different energies from various realms collaborate for our highest good. She shares her experiences with different collaborations, including the divine feminine energies, dragons and angels, fairy energy with Archangel Ariel, and the Ascended Master Melchizedek. These collaborations often involve holding space, energy healings, activations, and deeper connections with the self. Cristina invites listeners to share their own experiences and offers resources for further exploration.

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Ep. 62 - How to Deepen Your Connection with Jesus
Spiritual connection Cristina Aroche Spiritual connection Cristina Aroche

Ep. 62 - How to Deepen Your Connection with Jesus

In this episode, Cristina Aroche explores the topic of Jesus Christ and shares her personal beliefs and experiences. She discusses who Jesus is to her, emphasizing his role as a spiritual teacher and healer. Cristina also addresses questions about living a spiritual life in a hectic world and connecting with Jesus through spiritual practices. She highlights the importance of following one's intuition and inner guidance in establishing a connection with Jesus. Finally, Cristina shares Jesus' message of restoring love within ourselves and embracing all parts of who we are.

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Ep. 61 - How to Know if You Have Spiritual Abilities
Spiritual connection Cristina Aroche Spiritual connection Cristina Aroche

Ep. 61 - How to Know if You Have Spiritual Abilities

In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses how to deepen your connection to your spirit team. She emphasizes that everyone has the ability to connect with the spiritual world because we are spiritual beings. Cristina shares her personal journey of overcoming limiting beliefs and realizing her own spiritual connection. She highlights the importance of releasing expectations and embracing the uniqueness of our own spiritual connections. Cristina provides practical tips for understanding and hearing messages from the spiritual world, including identifying your strongest sense and utilizing channel writing. She also mentions her Developing the Clairs workshop for further guidance on developing spiritual abilities.

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