Ep. 40 - How to Cultivate Peace and Faith in a Time of Global Conflict

This episode was recorded in response to the current events in Israel and Gaza, however it is applicable during any situation where we face global conflict.

What do we do when we see pain, grief, and massive amounts of suffering in the world? How can we continue to follow the path that God would have us follow in the face of these conflicts? How can you bring some sense of peace in your own life so you can continue to expand that energy?

Take some time to reflect on these questions. What does it mean to you to have the duty to hold the light? How are you called to be the light? What is the work that you are meant to do? How do you fit into the larger plan?

In today’s episode we’re covering:

  • Finding the balance between holding the light and holding grief and pain.

  • How this balance supports the collective.

  • The importance of your journey and path in alignment with the greater Divine plan.

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Ep. 41 - The Different Angelic Realms and How to Work with Them


Ep. 39 - How to Transition Into a Career That Fulfills Your Soul