Cristina Aroche

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Archangel Gabriel - 3 Signs He is With You

In this blog post you are going to learn about the three signs that Archangel Gabriel is with you. 

About Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel’s energy comes through in a beautiful pearly white energy. Anytime I see Archangel Gabriel or feel his presence, it is associated with a white energy. Archangel Gabriel supports us with our communication and our connection to our truth.

How Your Truth is Connected To Your Soul

Your truth is essentially the energy of your soul. It's the energy of who you are. And our journeys here on earth are about understanding who we are. It's about knowing our truth and then being able to speak our truth, being able to stand in our truth, being able to express ourselves. 

Your Truth is Your Soul’s Purpose

One of the things that I always talk about when it comes to our soul's journey and our soul's purpose - it's to become self -expressed, meaning that it is the question - “what is my soul here to express?” “How does my soul desire to express itself?” 

Your truth goes beyond the definition of expression where it's simply about speaking, but it's really the expression in all the ways, including how you show up, how you dress, what you experience, who you talk to, what conversations you're having, and so on. All of those things are parts of your expression. It's the parts of who you are and how that comes through in your everyday life. 

When and Why You Should Connect with Archangel Gabriel

So connecting with Archangel Gabriel supports us in not only discovering more of our true selves, but also bringing us the courage and the confidence and the knowing of how that truth is meant to be expressed in every single moment in our everyday lives, whether it is just simply in your own room with a loved one or on a bigger stage, for example.

Therefore, calling on Archangel Gabriel to support you in those ways is going to be really powerful. If you are in a space right now where you're either asking yourself, what is my truth? Who am I? How am I here to express myself? Then calling Archangel Gabriel is going to be very supportive for you.

And also, if you are in a place where you desire to communicate a certain truth, let's say you are wanting to have some sort of conversation that might be pretty difficult to have, you can call on Archangel Gabriel to help you with that communication so that whatever you have to express, whatever it is that you want to tell someone or what you want to bring forward in your conversation, you can call on Archangel Gabriel and ask him to support you with your truth coming out in the most beautiful light and love and integrity.

Calling on Archangel Gabriel is going to support you when it comes to communicating, when it comes to sharing, and when it comes to expression.

First Sign AA Gabriel is with you: Feathers

I know that feathers are often associated with angels as a whole, which they are. And also, if you are currently right now in a space in your journey where you are constantly calling on Archangel Gabriel to support you, or you've been wanting to connect with Archangel Gabriel, feathers are going to come through as his way of confirmation or validation that he's heard you, that he sees you, that he's with you. If you're still practicing really being able to feel or sense his presence or to see his energy, seeing feathers is one of the most beautiful confirmations from him to let you know, “yep, I got you, I'm right here, I heard you.” So if you see feathers, that is confirmation from Archangel Gabriel. 

Second Sign AA Gabriel is with you: Seashells

The energy of the ocean and of the beach as a whole is very much connected to Archangel Gabriel, but specifically he has shown me seashells. Seashells are going to be the other sign that conveys a sense of confirmation and also connection.Whenever you see seashells, and this doesn't mean that you have to go to the beach, this means that if you are reading a book and you see seashells or you're scrolling through social media and you see an image of a seashell or any way that the seashell shows up for you, you're going to know that is Archangel Gabriel communicating with you. 

And what he's saying - he's saying this right now as I'm sharing this - he's saying that when you see the seashell, that is your indication to connect with him. That's his way of telling you, hey, listen, you're not paying attention to something. Call on me because I'm gonna come in and I'm gonna show you and I'm gonna share with you the truth or help you to see, reveal to you something that is going to support you in the pursuit of your truth, of your communication, of your expression, whatever the context is for you.

The seashell is really an indication of Archangel Gabriel saying, “hey, listen, I'm here, but I need you to call me in.”

The reason why is because just as a general thing for all angels, all divine beings, is that we have our free will. We need to call on them and ask them to come in. We must invite them in through our prayer, through our connection, through our communication, invite them in to then support us and reveal to us whatever it is that needs to be revealed. And so that's going to be important if you want to deepen your connection, if you want to continue to develop this level of spiritual awareness and the depth of connection that you feel with the divine. 

How to call on Archangel Gabriel

Having a prayer such as these simple examples:

  • Archangel Gabriel, please come forward and reveal to me the truth of the situation. 

  • Archangel Gabriel, please step forward and reveal to me what I need to know in this moment. 

  • Archangel Gabriel, please come forward and support me in understanding more of my truth and who I am.

You can insert your own words, but it gets to be very simple. There's no complicated prayer that you need to do in order to invoke his presence. The connection comes in through these very simple practices. 

Third Sign AA Gabriel is with you: Feeling a very Peaceful Presence

The last sign that you will know that Archangel Gabriel is with you is when you feel a very peaceful presence. You might even feel it as a peaceful aura or this kind of like just, very peaceful, loving energy. Especially if you are someone who connects with these divine beings through your feeling, through that sense, you're not necessarily seeing them through clairvoyance, but you're just more sensing and feeling, this is going to be a huge indication for you because you will feel this presence of peace. And that's something else that I often see and associate with Archangel Gabriel.

Bonus Sign AA Gabriel is with you: Doves

I often see him with the dove and the dove represents peace. So one of the things that Archangel Gabriel supports us with is, especially if we are experiencing any sort of inner turmoil or any feeling where you just feel so either enraged or frustrated or just like things are kind of annoying and you just feel all of this, this lack of peace within yourself.

Calling on Archangel Gabriel to support you with that is going to be very powerful. And so that simple, peaceful presence, that peaceful aura, that really gentle, loving, divine energy is going to come through - and you're going to feel that. That's the other sign that Archangel Gabriel is with you is when you can sense that and can sense that energy there with you and just knowing that he's there to support you, knowing that he's there to bring through your own inner sense of peace that you have within you even even if it doesn't feel like it at that time, but knowing that it exists within you. Then Archangel Gabriel can support you by connecting with that energy. 

Share in the comments…

I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Let me know which of these signs you have seen recently. And maybe after watching this video, you're gonna go about your day and then maybe later today or tomorrow or the next day, you're gonna start seeing signs. And when you do, I want you to come back to this post and comment and let me know that he is there, that you feel him or how he came through for you. 

I'm sending you so much love and angel blessings!



Learn more about Archangels

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